Home>Uncategorized>GOING BIONIC #152 – Originally Published on April 9, 2013

GOING BIONIC #152 – Originally Published on April 9, 2013


Hey Everybody! I hope all of you had a productive week. Mine has been amazing, and this week looks to be even better. In a nutshell, everything is moving forward at an unusually fast pace. By “everything,” I mean that a) the seven video games I created or co-created getting ready to be released worldwide this spring, b) two TV series that I created are in discussions with major entities, and c) a few feature film ideas that I wrote are being considered by a few A-list “powers that be.”
Aside from that, I’m getting ready to fly to Canada for a week of strategy meetings with the video game company I’m a partner in. Then, I pop off to Liverpool, UK, to stay at The Beatles-themed “Hard Days Night Hotel” while I explore the birthplace of The Beatles to scout for my script, “Get A Life,” before I go to Cannes for the Cannes Film Festival and Cannes Film Market. Whew. It’s been crazy, but a very crazy good, not a crazy bad.
And now, back to why you clicked onto this article to read:
During the craziness of my last few weeks, a fresh new creative force, also known as writer/actor Margaret Keane Williams, contacted me about her new indie comedy titled “Wet Behind The Ears.” Margaret’s film, which she written with director Sloan Copeland, is about the struggle college graduates go through in the bleak job market. While the film is wonderfully honest and funny, it also serves as an inspirational rallying cry for college graduates to carve their own career path, rather than to take the paths offered, which undoubtedly lead to dead ends.
But, today’s article isn’t about “Wet Behind The Ears,” as a story, as much is its about how the filmmakers’ out-of-the-box thinking with regards to their distribution has launched their film to heights I doubt they envisioned just a few months ago.
Should you be wondering what “heights” I’m talking about, let’s start with 35,000 feet above the ground! That’s right; “Wet Behind The Ears” has just partnered with American Airlines to make the film the first independent feature to be showcased on American Airlines flights. While this partnership may seem non-traditional, it also marks a whole new frontier of ways in which an independent film can be marketed to mass audiences.
Here’s a quick rundown of how American Airlines is supporting “Wet Behind The Ears.” 
Social Branding
No, I don’t mean social media. I mean social branding. American Airlines is one of the most recognizable companies on the planet, so when they endorse “Wet Behind The Ears,” they are endorsing the picture to millions of fliers. Think about that for a minute. Think of how many cities, countries, continents and flights American flies, and how many people will have the opportunity to watch this film while they’re up in the air. That’s what makes this partnership invaluable. Simply put, being accepted by a mainstream titan like American Airlines, makes “Wet Behind The Ears,” a mainstream titan in training.
Social Media
Yes, now I mean “social media.” American Airlines is working closely with the filmmakers to create a social media campaign that makes sure everyone under the sun knows about this little film. With the filmmakers’ creativity, coupled with the immense reach of American, I’m sure this viral campaign is one that you’re going to hear about very soon.
American Way Magazine Article
American Airlines is also giving the film a showcase article in their monthly magazine. Since several thousand-film buyers regularly fly American Airlines, I suggested the filmmakers should ask American to publish the article right before a major film festival or film sales market; like Cannes in May, Toronto in September or MIPCOM at Cannes in October. There are few things as powerful is having a well-placed article, at the right time, to be read by the right people, before the right event. Thus, even though American Way Magazine isn’t Daily Variety or The Hollywood Reporter, the result could be just as powerful.
Inaugural Flight 
One more thing American Airlines is doing for the filmmakers is planting them on first flight that shows their film. I believe the trip is to London. It may also include an event to celebrate the showcasing of the first indie film endorsed by American.
And As For The Film Itself…
“Wet Behind The Ears” enjoyed a sold-out screening at the SOHO Film Festival in New York City this past Sunday night. Attendees included several powerful talent agencies, many of which rarely attend small indie movie screenings, unless there’s a buzz in the air about the film. Luckily for this film, there’s not just a buzz in the air, there are several planes in the air, pushing “Wet Behind The Ears” from cloud to cloud, city to city, and country to country.
SOHO Film Festival

SOHO Film Festival
Okay, people. That’s what I have for you today. As always, thank you once again for lending me your eyes, and I look forward to borrowing them again next week. I can be followed on Twitter @Lonelyseal.

Read more: http://www.filmthreat.com/features/64619/#ixzz2PybMtNNm

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